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The conversion of Salian Franks took place under the lead of their victorious king Clovis, the son of Childeric and grandson of Merovig. On Christmas, in the year 496, Clovis descended before the Cathedral of Rheims into the baptismal basin, and three thousands of his warriors followed him. The baptism of Clovis was not only a personal conversion but also a conversion of the mass movement, especially the conversion of the Franks. The Salian Franks were the first among the Teutonic tribes which were converted to Catholic or Orthodox Christianity. Clovis' conversion has significant effects on the medieval history, culture, religion, and politics. Especially the conversion of the Franks prepared the way for the downfall of the Arian heresy among the other Germanic nations, and for the triumph of the papacy in the German empire under Charlemagne.