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Scholars of the Western Jin Dynasty were not as esteemed as their poems. Some of them had been born of poverty and were neglected,such as Zuo Si; others such as Lu Ji and Lu Yun, defects from the Wu Kingdom, were discriminated by the Zhong Yuan people at that time. Except literary societies, there were communities keen on metaphysics during that time, most of whom were clans and literary leaders such as Wang Rong, Wang Yan, Pei Kai, and Yue Guang. But this class left with few works. It can be inferred that literature and metaphysics are two conflicting cultures rooted in the strife between different classes for government positions. Metaphysics pursuers were representatives of nobilities and attempted to dominate culture and authorities to evaluate and select government officials. New class representatives such as Jia Mi, on the other hand, tried to consolidate the multitude, gain reputation with their poems, and resist suppression by the noble class. The “Er Shi Si You” is the likewise outcome of consolidation of new class members and the multitude. Otherwise, differences in cultural characteristics were the cause of Western Jin’s failure to develop metaphysical poetry.