초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this study, the influence of the life style on the HMR purchasing behaviors and repurchasing intents and the purchasing behavior on the repurchasing intent were examined in order to provide the basic data for developing competitive HMR product and invigoration of marketing. As results, of the life style factors, the health affected the quality, the taste the convenience and safety, and the economy the convenience, and the convenience the quality, and the safety the safety, significantly. Of the life style factors, health affected the repurchasing intentions negatively, while taste affected the repurchasing intent positively. Of the HMR selection properties, quality, convenience, and safety all affected the repurchasing intent positively. It can be conducted from the study that it is necessary to develop a strategy to enhance the quality and safety of the HMR and enhance the taste and economy of the HMR products for the taste and economy-oriented customers. When developing a new HMR product, the development and formulation of the strategy for quality, convenience, and safety and the overall strategy that covers from production, logistics, sales, and promotion, are supposed to be well established and discussed.