초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to analyze Japanese unvoiced/voiced sounds with lots of misuses, when they are perceived by Korean learners of the Japanese language, and seeks to understand how the results could be applied to Japanese language education. The listening research examined the tendency of misuses in the perception of unvoiced/voiced sounds targeting 45 low/intermediate Korean learners of the Japanese language. The listening research entailed instruction and practice using the VT method (Nursery Rhyme stimulation) and minimal pair in order to identify more effective phonetic instruction methods. The listening research showed that Korean learners of the Japanese language had lots of misuses in the perception of unvoiced/voiced sounds, especially lots of misunderstandings of voiced sounds as unvoiced sounds. Also, regarding the misuse in accordance with the position of unvoiced/voiced sounds, there were many misuses of voiced sounds in the middle of words. In the listening research with instruction and practice using phonetic instruction, the number of misused unvoiced/voiced sounds was largely reduced in the group with instruction and practice compared to the group without them. Especially, the group with instruction using VT method showed the most remarkable decrease of misuses compared to the group with instruction using minimal pair, which showed the effect of VT method. Just as shown in the results above, it would be important to continuously instruct even for a short time after accurately understanding difficult phonetic items to learners and then introducing proper phonetic instruction methods.

本研究は、韓国人日本語学習者が日本語を知覚する際に誤用が多く見られる日本語の清·濁音に対して考察し、実際の日本語教育への応用を模索するためのものである。  まず、韓国人日本語学習者の初·中級45名を対象として清·濁音の知覚における誤りの傾向を調べた。次に、より効果的な音声指導法を探るために、VT法(創作わらべうた)とミニマル·ペアを利用した指導と練習を行った。  その結果、韓国人日本語学習者は青·濁音の知覚に誤用が多く、特に濁音を清音に聞き間違える誤用が多いことが分かった。また、清音と濁音の位置による誤用は、語中の濁音に誤りが多く見られた。  音声指導法を用いて指導と練習を行った聞き取り調査2では、指導と練習を行ったグループのほうが指導と練習を行っていないグループに比べて、清·濁音の誤用が大幅に減少したことが分かった。特にVT法を用いて指導したグループのほうがミニマル·ペアを利用して指導したグループより誤用の減少が著しく表れ、VT法の効果が明らかになった。

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

clear sound, voiced sound, perception, Verbo-Tonal Method, minimal pair

淸音, 濁音, 知覺, ヴェルボトナル·メソッド, ミニマル·ペア