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The purpose of this study is to find out relationships among communication competence, empathy and self-esteem. This study showed that empathy had effects on an individual’s self-esteem in the mediation of communication competence. 95 university students (59 males, 35 females) took part in this study. They were administered to complete Global Interpersonal Communication Scale(GICC-15), K-EQ, Self-esteem. The results were as follows: First, cognitive empathy, emotional empathy and social skill had effects on self-esteem in the mediation of communication competence. Second, the results endowed significant value to the fact that in this society and culture, feeling others’ emotions and showing empathy by taking a right action according to the situations are necessary in accelerating self-esteem, rather than doing nothing even though feeling others’ emotions. It can be mentioned that empathy is crucial to increase self-esteem which can be improved in the mediation of communication competence. Therefore, humanities therapy program needs to be devised in order to increase communication competence.