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The purpose of this study is to examine tenses followed by register variation through discourse analysis based on corpus-driven approach.. This research was started while suggesting the need for education regarding the discourse function of tense according to context or register in Korean language education, in order to provide evidence that could more objectively explain the discourse function of tense. This research intends to analyze the distribution of tense usage and discourse function in the corpus which is made up of the four different registers: spoken, fiction, news, and academic prose. The research question was how the distribution of tense changes according to the four registers were looked at. The results showed that in all registers the present and past tense are used at a high frequency; however there was a large difference in the distribution and discourse function of each register. By explaining those differences through the characteristics of the text of each register, it was intended for the discourse function and the strategic usage of tense based on the speaker’s (or writer’s) intentions to be explained.