초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The modern world is characterized by the active process of political, economic and cultural cooperation that is becoming increasingly more complex throughout the world. Nowadays, the Asia-Pacific region is believed to be the most promising area of international collaboration. It is the region where the process of integration is developing rapidly. This situation favors the stable development of bilateral relations between South Korea and New Zealand. This paper addresses the issues of South Korea-New Zealand relations in tourism and education area that have been developing since the 1990s. Tourism has become one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the global economy and the strong growth in tourism arrivals is very apparent in Asia and Pacific these days. Many officials in these countries have seen that tourism can be a part of development strategies. Another prosperous area of interaction is education. International education programs provide support for students and scholars to study, teach and conduct research. Leaders of South Korea and New Zealand recognize the importance of relations in both fields as they help to strengthen not only economical but cultural cooperation as well