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William Butler Yeats and Unity of Being : centering around A Vision Jumg, Jai-Hee This paper is an attempt to discuss Unity of Being of Yeats on centering on A Vision, including some poems concerned with the main subject according to the view point of Monism. Yeats' main ideas described in the poetry, essays, and his autobiography are about Eastern Nature. Yeats researches into the spirit and the body thoroughly and seeks their reconciliations and syntheses. The synthetical sphere of conflicting elements and things against each other is Unity of Being. That is a momentary enlightenment through the intuition. Also it is the absolute reality of timelessness such as attaining Buddhahood supreme enlightenment. We don't exactly know what Unity of Being is. However we only know it through the symbols. Yeats' poetry uses sex and dance as the symbol of Unity of Being. The sexual relations with other sexual beings are traditionally the symbol of reconciliations and syntheses. Self and Anti-self, body and spirit continually come into conflict with each other. In conclusion, Yeats' vision had not developed a legend or obscure mythology, but systematic Universe philosophy and the ideal reverie world. Those are Yeats' creative writing skills. And they also form the basis of A Vision. Yeats' literary work doesn't remain reverie and mystic ambiguity, but results in the ideal of human, and universality called dream.