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The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among disability acceptance, self-rated health status and life satisfaction of the elderly with disabilities. From the fifth panel survey of employment for the disabled, data for 516 elderly over age of 65were analyzed with SPSS 22.0 and the Sobel test. The results were as follows: First, there were significant differences in sex, age and causes of disabilities. Second, the mean scores of self-rated health status in aging with disability group were higher than those in disability with aging group. Third, disability acceptance of the elderly with disabilities had a positive influence on the self-rated health status and life satisfaction. Also, the self-rated health status had a mediating effect on the relationship between disability acceptance and life satisfaction in elderly with disabilities and aging with disability group. However, the self-rated health status that had a mediating effect was not statistically significant in disability with aging group. This study shows that it is important to provide an integrated health and welfare support program that coincides with a variety of social programs to elderly with disabilities. In addition, a differentiated service support program should be provided to disability with aging group.