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이 논문은 조선후기에 성행했던 민화의 주요 주제인 ‘오복(五福)’의 상징성을 유가적 관점에서 해석하여 미의식으로 제시하였다. 『설문해자』에서는 ‘제사에서 신에게 생명을 잉태해주고 가정의 안녕과 행복, 의식주 문제 해결, 질병 없이 건강하게 살 수 있기를 빈다는 데에서 ‘복’의 의미가 유래된 것으로 설명되었다. 또 『시경』과 『예기』에서는 복이란 ‘크게 경사스러운 것’과 만사가 구비되어서 부족함이 없이 모든 것이 언제나 충족된 상태, 만사가 순조롭게 진행되는 상태로 정의하였다. 이러한 의미를 원형으로 하여 오복은 수ㆍ강녕ㆍ부ㆍ귀ㆍ다남자로 갈래치기를 하여 인간이 살아가기에 필요한 육체적인 행복과 정신적인 행복을 추구하는 것으로 몸과 마음의 조화를 이루어 행복한 삶을 누리는 조건으로 제시되어 있다. 그러나 유가에서는 복은 하늘이나 조상이 주는 것으로 전제하고 ‘복’은 ‘사사로 혼자만 잘 사는 일이 아님’을 강조하고 있다. 덕을 베풀고 선한 행동을 실천할 때 복을 누릴 수 있다고 보는 유가적 관점으로 민화의 오복을 고찰하여 미의식으로 제시하였다. 때문에 민화에서의 오복사상은 권선의 의미를 내포하기도 한다.

The purpose of this thesis is to interpret the symbolism of ‘Five Blessings’ which is the major symbol in folk paintings which were very popular in the late Joseon Dynasty, in the Confucian viewpoint. For this, the Symbolism on Five Blessings shown in Folk Paintings was examined in the Confucian viewpoint. First, it was found in 『Shuowen Jiezi』 that ‘福’(blessing) is an idiogrpah and the meaning of the word ‘福’(blessing) was originated from the prayer to god to allow conception of new life, to provide peace and happiness in family, to resolve food, clothing and shelter problems and to allow ling life without disease. And according to writings in 『Book of Odes』 and 『Liji』, ‘福’(blessing) is ‘備’(available) meaning the state of good order with everything available. Also, Five Blessings was mentioned for the first time in the chapter 「洪範 - Hongbeom」 in 『書經 - Book of Documents』. But in 『通俗編 - Tongsokpyeon』 of a latter period, the concept of Five Blessings was changed into; long life, wealth, peace, nobleness, and many descendants while more practical and social desires were incorporated. These concepts can be interpreted as the pursuit of physical and mental happiness required to human being to survive and the condition to enjoy happy life in the harmony of body and mind. In this thesis, the idea of Five Blessings contained in the folk paintings was studied as an aesthetic symbol in Confucian viewpoint. ‘福’(blessing) is the state that everything is fulfilled without any shortage and that everything has been in good order, and it can be regarded as the content of happiness. However, In Confucian family, it is emphasized that ‘福’(blessing) is not ‘living well by oneself privately’ and it is presumed that ‘福’(blessing) is given by sky or ancestors. therefore, when one provides virtue and does good deeds, misfortune or blessing will respond depending on the its mode(類), and accordingly it is thought that the realization of ‘福’(blessing) rests on the human being itself. After all, Presuming that ‘福’(blessing) can be obtained only when virtues are accumulated, the idea of Five Blessings in the folk paintings also contains the meaning of virtue rewarding. These Confucian values are expressed contained as a symbol in folk paintings.