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대선 이후 개헌 논의와 비례대표제 확대를 위한 선거제도개혁 논의가 본격화되기 시작했다. 연동형 비례대표제 확대를 중심으로 적극 제기되고 있는 선거제도개혁방안은 민주주의의 질을 제고하기 위한 모색으로, 다수대표제의 책임성과 비례대표제의 비례성 균형을 목표로 하며 대표성의 위기를 극복하기 위한 방안으로 검토되고 있다. 한국의 선거제도는 부분적으로 비례대표제가 가미된 1인 2표 혼합형 선거제도(double ballot mixed-member electoral system)로 분류할 수 있으나, 지역구 의석수에 비해서 비례대표 의석수가 현저하게 낮은 한계가 있다. 비례대표제 여성할당은 현재 50% 여성추천 및 남녀교호순번제를 내용으로 하고 있는데, 할당제 유형으로 보면 가장 강력한 법적 의무할당제(legislative quota system)임에도 불구하고 이행을 강제할 수 있는 실질적 제재수단이 없다는 제도적 한계가 있다. 비례대표제 확대는 여성 대표성 제고 측면에서도 무엇보다 중요한 선거제도개혁 과제이다. 할당제를 포함하여 여성정치참여 확대를 위한 논의도 전체적인 선거제도개혁과 맞물려 검토되어야만 그 효과가 커질 수 있다. 그러나 한국은 2004년 총선 이후 비례대표 의석수나 비례대표 여성당선자 수는 오히려 감소추세다. 여성국회의원의 수적 확대 역시 의석수가 적은 비례대표보다는 선출직 중심으로 증가하는 양상의 변화도 일부 확인되고 있다. 여성정치참여 확대와 대표성 제고를 위해서는 비례대표제 확대가 적극적으로 도입되어야 하며, 장기적인 관점에서 민주주의의 질을 제고하고 여성참여확대를 도모하는 제도개선방안으로도 비례대표제 확대가 우선적으로 모색될 필요가 있다.

Political quota for women in Korea has been adopted without severe controversy to it because of very poor representation of women in political area. In 2003 with a revision of the electoral law, the 50% women quota of party list for the proportional representation was introduced and the strategy of enhancement of women’s political participation has a relatively successful result. PR systems have been promoted as a fairer system of electoral representation. Academic research classifies PR as a facilitator rather than a guarantor of better female representation, as no voting system in and of itself can guarantee gender parity in political life. Other forms of PR include Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) where a proportion of the parliament is elected from single-member constituencies whilst the remainder is elected using PR lists. In the National Assembly of South Korea, most members are elected in single-member constituencies and some members are elected by proportional representation. The single member district voting and proportional representation are put together into a mixed electoral system. There is a distinct gap in women's representation in national legislatures between countries with single-member district electoral systems and those with PR systems. Women are generally more successful in being nominated and elected under PR systems than under combined or majoritarian systems. Comparisons can also be drawn with how many women are elected where the electoral system has changed within a particular country, such as New Zealand. The general conclusion is that reforms, in the South Korea, that amend the nationwide system of proportional representation need to consider their impact upon gender equality. There is a positive relationship between PR systems and women’s representation,however, PR in and of itself will not deliver women’s representation. Feminist theorists suggest that the presence of women leaders facilitates the articulation of different perspectives on political issues, where elected representatives are not just ‘standing as’ women but also ‘acting for’ women as a group. Although there is a strong and consistent association, by itself the basic type of electoral system is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to guarantee women’s representation. We need to elaborate the logic for quota for women and women's representation, forming social consensus on gender equality in the long-term. However, the Park Geun Hye scandal in South Korea showed its dramatic failure, and the November citizens’ revolution triggered her impeachment with the power of direct democracy. Since the historic impeachment of the president, there are growing calls for constitutional revision to reform the ‘imperial presidency’ and election system reform. Therefore, a electoral reform driven by legislature is required to ensure the upgrading of Korean constitutional gender democracy.