초록 열기/닫기 버튼


This study is focused on the way of changing Chinese foreign and diplomatic policies toward Korean peninsula. Particularly, it specifies on the China's role regarded to the No -rth Korea's nuclear issue. China has took three ways of nuclear policies to North Korea: e.g., ‘support,’ ‘mediation,’ and ‘sanctions.’ But China has tended to have policies of supp -ort and mediation rather than sanctions against North Korea's military behaviors Thus, international efforts of sanctioning North Korea have been failed. It is because sustaining the North Korean regime generates benefits for the China's national interests. By reinforcing China-North Korea economic relations, China can increase its influence to North Korea and in Northeast Asian politics as well Therefore, South Korea has to establish better strategies for inducing China's foreign and diplomatic policy changes toward the Korean peninsula, especially positive to South Korea. The possibility of changing policies is dependent upon China's national interests. This paper suggests ways of changing China's role from the perspective of geo-strategic strategies to geo-economic ones.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

China's Foreign Policies, North Korea's Nuclear Issue, Support, Meditation and Sanctions, China's Influence, Geo-Economic Strategies