초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to explore the implementation and changes of children and teachers during the implementation of education program in the integrated child care for the disabled. A 20-week reflective behavioral research were conducted for children in integrated childcare centers in Seoul, Korea through the stages of ‘search - plan - execution and observation - reflection - re-planning and re-execution’. The results of the study are as follows. First, how did children change in the reflective process of peer-to-peer integration? An ordinary infant generally perceived the other infant as a ‘different’ friend and initially showed expressions of denial, but changed the positive attitude toward peer relations by experiencing ‘us’. Second, how did the role of the integrated support teacher change in the reflective process of peer integration? During the implementation, through behavioral changes, the integrated support teacher has experienced the changes from the role of practitioner, role of mediator, role of constructing practical knowledge of disability integrated child care, and role of facilitating modeling.