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Purpose - This study attempts to verify effects of CEO' supports, compensation and educational training and those of individual annual salaries and company's sales on promotion of knowledge management expected to contribute to enhancing construction industry's competitiveness, from the perspective of person-organization fit. Research Design, Data, and Methodology - For the analysis, a total of 368 effective questionnaires were used to conduct independent sample t-test, regression analysis and hierarchical moderated regression analysis. Results - The findings show that individual annual salaries have a positive relationship with company's performance and company's sales also have positive relationships with both knowledge management activities and company performance, and CEO's supports, compensation and educational training are important factors that can improve knowledge management activities. In addition, the principle that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is also operated in construction industry, as in other industries. Conclusion - Therefore, members in a company should conduct optimal strategies to enhance the knowledge management activities through selection and concentration, while governmental agencies require the establishment of IT system for it and supports for related cost and consulting of it.