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이 연구는 문화기호론적인 관점에서 요하문명과 불신(火神) 숭배를중심으로 살펴보았다. 설문해자(說文解字)에 따르면, 요(遼)의 자원(字 源)은 불신을 상징한다. 불과 철기문화는 불가분의 상관성을 지닌다. 요하문명의 초점 지역이라 할 홍산문화(紅山文化)의 하가점(夏家店) 지역, 특히 우하량(牛河梁) 지역의 유물 유적들은 그런 가능성을 뒷받침하고있다. 비파형동검이나 투구, 그리고 옥기(玉器), 단(壇), 묘(廟), 총(塚) 으로 대표되는 유적들이다. 이러한 불신 숭배는 만족과 한반도에 분포되는 샤머니즘(스승) 문화와도 깊은 영향관계를 보여준다. 사제들의 제의는 망제(望祭)와 요제(遼祭)로 요약된다. 이러한 논거는 요하의 요(遼 )로부터 파생되는 국명과 지명, 전설과 민속으로 개연성을 보여준다고하겠다. 청동기와 고인돌, 적석총으로 이어지는 고조선의 문화적인 특징과도 맞물려 있음 또한 주목에 값한다. 고조선의 문화영토임을 드러내는 문화론적인 징표이기도 하다.

This paper aims at the research about Liaohe(遼河) Civilization and Fire God(火神) worship in north-east China. According to the view point of cultural semiotics concentrating on Liao(遼), the main contents is as follows ; 1) The Liao(遼) of Liaohe(遼河) symbolizes Fire God which implicates the Sun. The structural elements of letter Liaohe(遼河) are formed of sin(𤋯) plus huo(火->小) which is similar to liao(燎). Sin(𤋯) means religious piety praying shaman’s desire as the highest priest. Sometimes Shaman(薩滿) was called as Tangeol (撑犁孤塗) in Manchuria. The Fire God gives us the light and heat, they believe. By using heat and light, people who lived in Liaohe(遼河)’s basin cultivated grain and crops. Sometimes they made iron at Liaohe(遼河) district in China’s early ancient prehistoric age. Such archaeological artifacts were excavated and reported by Chinese authorities to scholar circles of the world during 1980’s officially. Among artifacts, items were found such as platform of Fire God(壇), God’s shrine(廟), stone grave(塚), and jade(玉) including korean mandolin-like knife, We called it Bipahyeongdonggeom(琵琶形銅劍). 2) The highest priest was called as Shaman(薩滿). Sometimes The word Tangeol(撑犁孤塗) belongs to the ancient manchu language shows wide distribution across Altaic language area. 3) When Nurhachi(奴兒哈赤) founded the Geum(金), he called the nation as Nüzhen(女眞). After then, he renamed the nation as Manchu(滿洲 ). Successively his son Hongtaiji(皇太極) renamed the nation as Qing(淸 ). Maybe these kinds of names were originated from Shaman(薩滿). Here the Sa(薩) means clearness and medium(間<訓蒙字會>). At the same time, Zhen(眞) means Shaman, the highest priest. As it were, Tangol(壇君) such as Shaman in Korean language means exorcist. 4) There are two kinds of rituals in serving Fire God(火神). One is called Liaoji(燎祭), the other is called Wangji(望祭). The relics of Wangji and Liaoji could be considered to be as the names of places and nations. For instance, we can exemplify it such as Liaoyang(遼陽) where Liao’s capital city located for some years. And the name of a nation founded by Yelübaoji( 耶律阿保機) is Liao(遼). Same time we can see a common sememe,‘f ire( 火)’, among place names of liao-(遼-), re-(熱-), and chi(赤-). Because we can find out that Chifeng(赤峰) city was attached to Rehesheng(熱河省) traditionally. 5) The worship of Fire God can be seen in state founding myth on Gochoseon( 古朝鮮) anThis paper aims at the research about Liaohe(遼河) Civilization and Fire God(火神) worship in north-east China. According to the view point of cultural semiotics concentrating on Liao(遼), the main contents is as follows ; 1) The Liao(遼) of Liaohe(遼河) symbolizes Fire God which implicates the Sun. The structural elements of letter Liaohe(遼河) are formed of sin(𤋯) plus huo(火->小) which is similar to liao(燎). Sin(𤋯) means religious piety praying shaman’s desire as the highest priest. Sometimes Shaman(薩滿) was called as Tangeol (撑犁孤塗) in Manchuria. The Fire God gives us the light and heat, they believe. By using heat and light, people who lived in Liaohe(遼河)’s basin cultivated grain and crops. Sometimes they made iron at Liaohe(遼河) district in China’s early ancient prehistoric age. Such archaeological artifacts were excavated and reported by Chinese authorities to scholar circles of the world during 1980’s officially. Among artifacts, items were found such as platform of Fire God(壇), God’s shrine(廟), stone grave(塚), and jade(玉) including korean mandolin-like knife, We called it Bipahyeongdonggeom(琵琶形銅劍). 2) The highest priest was called as Shaman(薩滿). Sometimes The word Tangeol(撑犁孤塗) belongs to the ancient manchu language shows wide distribution across Altaic language area. 3) When Nurhachi(奴兒哈赤) founded the Geum(金), he called the nation as Nüzhen(女眞). After then, he renamed the nation as Manchu(滿洲 ). Successively his son Hongtaiji(皇太極) renamed the nation as Qing(淸 ). Maybe these kinds of names were originated from Shaman(薩滿). Here the Sa(薩) means clearness and medium(間<訓蒙字會>). At the same time, Zhen(眞) means Shaman, the highest priest. As it were, Tangol(壇君) such as Shaman in Korean language means exorcist. 4) There are two kinds of rituals in serving Fire God(火神). One is called Liaoji(燎祭), the other is called Wangji(望祭). The relics of Wangji and Liaoji could be considered to be as the names of places and nations. For instance, we can exemplify it such as Liaoyang(遼陽) where Liao’s capital city located for some years. And the name of a nation founded by Yelübaoji( 耶律阿保機) is Liao(遼). Same time we can see a common sememe,‘f ire( 火)’, among place names of liao-(遼-), re-(熱-), and chi(赤-). Because we can find out that Chifeng(赤峰) city was attached to Rehesheng(熱河省) traditionally. 5) The worship of Fire God can be seen in state founding myth on Gochoseon( 古朝鮮) and Haemosu(解慕漱). On the other hand, we could exemplify the case of county on self-governing system as 6 units(縣, xian) of Manchu tribe(滿族) in China.d Haemosu(解慕漱). On the other hand, we could exemplify the case of county on self-governing system as 6 units(縣, xian) of Manchu tribe(滿族) in China.