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The aim of this study is to investigate EFL learners’ beliefs towards language learning according to their majors. A total of 578 undergraduate students in Korea participated in the current study. In order to elicit those participants’ beliefs, the Beliefs About Language Learning Instruments (BALLI) was applied. According to the data, it was reported that science and engineering-major students consider grammar-based instruction to be important. Regarding learners who majored in education, they place less value on culture education. Moreover, they reported negative responses on their own foreign language ability. Regarding learners whose major is education, humanities, and arts, they prefer a teaching approach which can foster one’s communicative competence. At the same time, they seem to believe that culture education is necessary in one’s language learning. Considering such findings, it is advisable to offer a customized English language program to college students according to their majors. Also, adjusting learners’ ineffective and misconceived beliefs through constant teacher-learner conference seems necessary.