초록 열기/닫기 버튼

先前对中国地方人大监督“两院”工作的研究, 主要关注的是主要问题和整体变化趋势。 以东部某市的13个区县人大常委会的自填式问卷为样本, 本文主要考察了同一区域内部的各区县人大常委会在监督“两院”工作所体现出的差异性及其原因。 研究发现, 多元化与规范化是当前地方人大常委会监督“两院”工作的两种基本策略。 在那些常委会组成人员专职化程度较高・内务司法工作委员会的成员专业化程度较高的地方人大常委会, 更倾向于采用多样化策略;而那些常委会组成人员的专职化程度较低・内务司法工作委员会的成员专业程度较低的地方人大常委会, 则更倾向于采用规范化策略。

In China’s studies, Previous studies on the supervision works from the local People’s Congresses to judicial organs mainly focused on the mail problems and whole changes. Based on the self‐administration questionnaires from 13 county‐level People’s Congress standing committees in a east municipality, this paper investigates the different strategies of local People’s Congress standing committees in the same municipality. The paper shows that diversification and normalization are two basic supervision strategies of the local People’s Congress standing committees. Those who have more full time members in the standing committees and more specialized members in the interior affairs and judicial working committees tend to adopt a diversification strategy; whereas those who have less full time members and specialized members tend to adopt a normalization strategy.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

Local People’s Congress, supervision strategy, People’s Court, People’s Procuratorate