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This research is an empirical study on speech education for university students using case studies from the “Leadership and Communication” class conducted as a core liberal arts program by ‘S’ women’s university. The practical curriculum of this class, in the compulsory liberal arts education program is aimed at, cultivating future women leaders with good communication skills and it includes reading, writing, presentation, and discussion. By judging communicating ability as an important basis for leadership capability, class activities were conducted to focus solely on communication education aimed at not only criticism and persuasion but also sympathy, solicitude, conversation, and cooperation. In addition, considering the uniqueness of the women’s university, training was offered for students to develop their capabilities in recognizing and interpreting social problems from a gender perspective. The following are the implications of speech education for university students as clarified through this research. 1) Speech education course of a university should involve not just developing students’ ability to speak but also cultivating in them a mature sense of citizenship with humanistic refinement.; 2) The contents of speech education should be diversified in the direction of cultivating creativity and integrated thinking ability.; 3) As an education aimed at gaining unified knowledge of conduct, speech education should enhance the learning and practicing capabilities for right speech, from the perspective of life-long learning.; 4) The education should be conducted in the direction of expanding the communion of mentoring and tutoring between a professor and students or among students.; 5) Speech education should be developed as a learner-customized intellectual education that offers appropriate contents based on each learner’s characteristics.