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Since the conclusion of Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty in 1961, China and North Korea have achieved a strong partnership over last 50 years. However, sings and symptoms of changes in status of the alliance were detected by internal and external changes in both countries. The alliance seemed to last for an eternity but this change would lead change of perspective of China on issues of the Korean Peninsula in consequence. By analyzing People’s Daily-Organ of Communist Party of China-coverage about 3rd, 4th, and 5th nuclear test of North Korea, this research prospects the change of China in the future. As China is in a dilemma between abandon and complicity, they are keeping their position in Sino-North Korean relationship. China added security interests to its three principles for North Korean denuclearization to avoid look of complicity. In contrast, China also controls the level of sanctions against North Korea to avoid North Korea to leave the alliance. China would prosecute the policy which could optimize the alliance dilemma and this would allows China to plays role of a manager of the nuclear issues of North Korea not a role of problem solver. China will continue seeking the balance on nuclear issues of North Korea.