초록 열기/닫기 버튼

한 단어가 기능상 부사어에 쓰이고, 동일한 의미 항목이 다른 문장성분으로도 쓰일 수 있느냐의 여부에 따라 表敬(謙敬)부사의 품사를 다시 논의하였다. 그 결과 表敬(謙敬)부사로 분류된 어휘는 모두 동사나 형용사로 귀속(분류)되었다. 예를 들면, 동사 請[청하다]은 동사부사어[자청하여], 동사畏[두려워하다, 외람되다]는 동사부사어[두려워하며], 형용사 誠[진실되다]은 형용사부사어[실로], 형용사 幸[다행스럽다]은 형용사부사어[다행히도] 등이다. 요컨대(결론적으로), 先秦-兩漢의 문헌에는 순수하게 表敬(謙敬)부사의 성질만을 갖는 어휘는 찾아볼 수 없었다. 동사나 형용사의 의미 항목이 부사어에도 그대로 쓰였으므로 모두 본래의 품사인 동사나 형용사로 귀속함이 옳다.

The part of speech regarding on 'Modesty'[Biao jing; 表敬]vocabulary has been reexamined whether a word that is functionally used as adverb can be used as other constituent of sentence. As a result, every words that are classified as 'Modesty'[Biao jing; 表敬] adverb are also classified as verb or adjective. For example, verbs and adjectives can be used as different constituents of sentence; verb qing[請; to ask] as adverb [asking], verb jing[敬; respect] as adverb [respectfully], verb jru[辱; be a dishonor] as adverb [be a dishonor《to》] etc. adjective xing[幸; fortunate] as adverb[fortunately], and adjective hui[惠; boon; afavor; abenefit; ablessing;] as adverb [friendlily] etc. In conclusion, there was no word that can be solely classified as 'Modesty'[Biao jing; 表敬] adverb in Xian Qin-Liang Han[先秦-兩漢]. Verbs and adjectives were also used as adverb.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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'Modesty'[Biao jing; 表敬] vocabulary adverb, a sentence component, parts of speech, grammar function, Lexical Semantic, Xian Qin-Liang Han[先秦-兩漢]

'Modesty'[Biao jing, 表敬] vocabulary, adverb, a sentence component, parts of speech, grammar function, Lexical Semantic, Xian Qin-Liang Han[先秦-兩漢]