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This thesis aims to discover the significance of Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre in the context of the theology of religion. His Glaubenslehre explains the historical and cultural identity of the Christian faith in European religious history. Troeltsch embodies his actual meaning of Glaubenslehre in the social practice of the Christian community in relation with social organizations in society. Therefore, this study argues that the Korean Theology should find the social practice of the Christian community in the structure of organic relations with social organizations. First, this study clarifies the importance of the historical method in the debate with the doctrinal approach, because this approach relies on the supernatural revelation of Jesus Christ in European religious history. Second, this paper regards the meaning of Christian faith as the foundation of the religious community affected by the historical personality of Jesus and his ancient cult. Troeltsch tries to develop his Glaubenslehre towards European Christian identity and ethical realization. Third, it emphasizes the theological meaning of the historical Jesus and his spirit as a space of mutual subjectivity by comparing it with Tillich’s Christology as a New-Being. In the multi-religious context of Korea, the Korean Theology finds the religious, theological significance of Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre in the understanding of the Christian community, which regards the historical Jesus and his spirit as the space of mutual-subjectivity. Fourth, this study compares Troeltsch’s historical method with Tillich’s doctrinal way, so Troeltsch’s Glaubenslehre understands the meaning of Christian cultural identity based on historical development and self-reflection of the continuous development of Christianity. In conclusion, this paper maintains that Korean theology can design the cultural identity of Korean Christianity by studying historical Jesus and Korean history of religion in the context of Korea.