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Nowadays, the importance of 6th industrialization is becoming more emphasis, the Antenna Shop is operated for the development of the 6th industrial market and it is desirable to define the identification marketing for the customers. The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of segments for 6th industrialization antenna shop and to provide marketing informations to activate the 6th industrialization in agriculture. Especially, this paper tried to apply the mixture model as an effective tool for subdividing the market and determining the significant variables of segments. Mixture model was conducted to segment individuals into three groups based on significant segmentation variables. Three subgroups of consumers could be segmented by the similarity of the characteristics. The share of segment 1 was 45.5%, segment 2 was 42.4% and segment 3 was 12.1% of total respondents. Integrated subgroup profile is useful to understand the perception of store consumers. Theoretical and managerial implications of findings were discussed and it would be helpful to manage the 6th industrialization antenna shop.