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「아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법」의 시행에 따라 사법경찰관리와 아동보호전문기관의 직원에게 현장출동의 의무화 외에 현장조사권과 피해아동의 보호를 위한 응급조치와 긴급임시조치 및 임시조치의 권한이 부여됨으로써 아동학대에 대한 조기개입 및 신속한 대처가 가능하게 되었다. 따라서 피해아동의 보호와 학대재발방지라고 하는 동법의 입법목적을 달성하기 위하여 아동학대사건에 대한 초동조치에 있어서 사법경찰관리와 아동보호전문기관 직원의 역할과 기능의 확대․보완이 요구되고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 아동학대사건 처리절차에 있어서 초동조치 중 임시조치에 관하여 사법경찰관리의 역할을 중심으로 하여 현행 법제와 실무태도에 대해 검토한 후, 구체적인 개선방안을 제시하였다.

After 「Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment Etc. of Crimes of Child Abuse and Neglect」 is enforced, child abuse become accepted as not mere domestic issues or child discipline issues, but a crime. And judicial police and workers of child protection institution ought to mobilize to the scene of child abuse incident when they receive the report of child abuse by this Act. Also when they mobilize to the reported scene they is possible to request to accompany to the reported scene to the other party, and is enable to investigate the abused child, the child-batterer and etc. and give a question to them on the reported scene by this Act. In addition, they can take immediately emergency temporary measures, and apply temporary measure to a public prosecutor for protection of the abused child when they discover the abused child. But since this Act is enforced many problems and loopholes reveal in initial actions of judicial police and workers of child protection institution against child abuse incidents. Therefore extension and supplementation of their role and function in initial actions against child abuse incident is demanded in the pursuit of the legislative purpose of this Act. So, in this paper, I reviewed the current acts on temporary measures in the judicial procedure on child abuse incident and suggest theirs improvements.