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The purpose of this study is to suggest ‘Speech focused on Cross-examination’ model to Korean Language Learners for Academic Purpose in order to enhance their interactive skills in debates. Although Debate curriculum has been acknowledged as a method to increase Korean Language Learners’ college scholastic abilities comprehensively, students find it quite burdensome due to some difficulties in interactive activities such as inquiry and rebuttal. ‘Speech Focused on Cross-examination’ model is devised from ‘Extemporaneous Speaking’, a debate training method designed for enhancing interactive skills with questioning and answering. ‘Extemporaneous Speaking’ is an event of annual debating tournament held both in high school and university levels in the US. This model will be an effective method for foreign students to overcome difficulties of interaction during debate class and will encourage students to achieve higher college scholastic ability. So as to verify the efficiency of ‘Speech focused on Cross-examination’ model, academic experiment project was proceeded during a semester. An analysis on the curriculum and the Subject Experience Survey(SES) have been followed. (Dongguk University)