초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to review Korean Onomatopoeic/Mimetic Dictionary published in 2014, and examine the points to be improved from the point of view of the dictionary for writing. This dictionary contains 7,113 singular and repetitive onomatopoeic/mimetic forms (lemmas) including nonᐨstandard words and dialects. The derivatives made by these forms are not provided as separate lemmas but provided only as derivative informations in microstructure. The information provided by the microstructure of this dictionary includes onomatopoeic or mimetic type, dialect markings, repetitive information, combining predicates, meaning, examples, derivative information, and related lemmas. The main achievement of this dictionary is that it presents combining predicates and provides many examples. Because onomatopoeic/mimetic words constitute a systematic set by the replacement of their vowels, etc., the selection of the lemmas and the description in the dictionary need to be systematic. This dictionary was relatively systematic in the selection of lemmas, but not when describing meaning.