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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that have effects on the intention of use long-term care (LTC) hospital in inpatients over sixty. Methods: Data were surveyed from over 60 years inpatients at two hospitals located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do province during February and March, 2015. Predisposing factors, needs and enabling factors by Andersen’s behavioral model to medical were mapped into measure items. Total 180 cases were analyzed. Results: Age as predisposing factor of intention to use of LTC hospital was significant. Self-rated health status as need factor of intention to use of LTC hospital was not significant. Enabling factors of intention to use of LTC hospital, such as residence type, and awareness and perception of LTC facilities or hospital, were significant. The sixties group have more intention to use LTC hospital than over 70. The patient group being aware of LTC facilities had more intention to use LTC hospital than the not-being aware of them. The patient group that has indirect experience of LTC hospital had more intention to use LTC hospital than the group that does not. The patient group of self-owned residence showed less intention of using LTC hospital than the group of monthly-rent residence. Conclusions: Intention to use LTC hospital of the elderly over sixty was different in their age, residence type, awareness and indirect experience of LTC service/facilities. Therefore, this results can be applied to LTC hospital management and government’s LTC policy promotion.