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이 논문은 대학생들의 정체성을 고려한 교양교육으로서 화법 교육의 방향을 탐색한 것이다. 대학에서는 화법 교육은 '예비 사회'인 대학생의 정체성을 고려하여 학습을 위한 능력의 개발뿐만 아니라 직업 활동을 위한 교육도 포함해야한다. 구체적인 방안으로 교육과정의 단계화를 통한 심화, 대표 담화 선택을 통한 담화 지식의 전이, 언어 기능의 통합을 통한 심화, 그리고 특수 목적의 개발과 활동을 통한 전이 등을 제안했다.

The purpose of this study is to explore speech education for college students as part of the liberal arts education. In this paper, I have asserted that university speech education should include not only development of ability for learning but also education for career activities as well with the identity of college students taken into consideration. With this in mind, I have proposed the following four specific design methods. First, the curriculum should be intended to deepen the ability of speech on a step-by-step basis. Second, a key discourse should be selected, followed by concentration and transfer the relevant knowledge. Third, students should be given opportunities to conduct reading, listening, speaking, and writing in an integrated manner by engaging in such activities as ‘reading discussion’. Fourth, students should be trained to build and utilize knowledge on various concrete discourse situations such as job-seeking purpose and academic purpose.