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The purpose of the study is to explore if extensive program is workable at college level and to explore an effective teaching model for ER motivating students. With reference to this purpose, the researcher designed an ER program employing collaborative, interactive activities for 14 participants and investigated how students responded to this program. For the research design, the study combined qualitative methods (e.g. analyzing weekly Discussion Guide and reading logs, student interview) and quantitative methods (e.g. analyzing pre- and post-reading tests, and student questionnaire). The research results showed that ER program through collaborative approach contributed to improving students’ reading skills and motivating students to read. Students gave positive responses to collaborative oral communication activities and teachers’ Discussion Guide was also preferred since it helps readers interact with books with more focus. The research result suggests that the ER program adding a social sharing element is workable at college level and it influences students’ motivation to read in various ways.