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본 연구의 결과는 국내 학령기 자폐스펙트럼장애아동 어머니들이 자녀를 학교와 학교 밖 세상으로 내보내기 위해 치열하게 준비하며 살아가는 모습을 보여준다. 또, 이 어머니들의 양육 상의 어려움은 그들의 긍정적인 의지만으로 해결될 수 있는 것이 아니며, 학교 현장이나 지역사회의 지원을 통한 신체적 심리적 재정적 시간적 자원의 확보 및 자녀의 평생교육과 독립을 위한 재활프로그램으로의 연계 등과 같이 보다 실제적인 대책이 마련되어야 할 근거를 제시해준다. 본 연구의 결과는 장애아동과 그 어머니의 개별적 욕구에 따른 전인간호를 제공하기 위한 근거자료로 사용될 수 있을 것이다.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the child rearing experience of mothers of school-age children with autism spectrum disorders in Korea. Methods: Seven mothers were interviewed from October 2015 to January 2016. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using Giorgi’s phenomenological method. Results: The study results showed that the child rearing experience of mothers of school-age children with autism spectrum disorders consists of six major themes: “facing unexpected situations”, “trying to accept children with disabilities”, “having considerably adjusted to the difficulties associated with the children’s school life”, “experiencing frustrations”, “maintaining a child-centered life style”, and “being grateful for the present and looking forward to a better future”. Conclusion: The findings from this study show the need to provide more practically individualized and holistic services in the community for this population including their children such as lifetime education programs for the children and more financial aid for their therapies. In addition, the results reveal that mothers need physical, emotional, informational, financial, and social support to continue their life with children who have autism spectrum disorders.