초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study tried to figure out frequency, types and functions of cohesive devices used for oral conversation and written summary. For analysis, this study collected 35 oral conversations and 70 written summaries by Korean EFL students. Cohesive devices were classified based on Halliday and Hasan(1976) model. The results showed that the frequency of different types of cohesive devices were differently distributed between spoken and written discourse. The two most frequently used devices in both discourses were pronominal reference and lexical repetition. The finding does not support the conclusion of researches that personal pronouns are not widely used in written discourse. In both discourses, substitution and ellipsis devices were the least frequently used. Overall, the results are in line with those of previous studies that have found the overuse and misuse of certain cohesive devices by EFL/ESL learners.