초록 열기/닫기 버튼

本研究では、二言語併用能力との関わりから在韓日本人一世と二世の二言語習得と二言語接触状況につい て考察した。その結果、以下のことが明らかとなった。 (1)一世は、日本語を幼少期から自然に習い覚え、日本の教育を受けてから韓国に滞在している人が多く、高 い日本語能力を所有している。一方、結婚·留学·ビジネスなどの理由で韓国滞在を始めただけあって、 韓国語の学習動機は強いが、長年の学習までは至っておらず、滞在年数が重なるにつれて日常の韓国語 に慣れてきて現在の韓国語能力に達している。  (2)二世の日本語能力は均質ではなく、第一言語として習得している集団、公共教育機関や個人レッスンなど で短い期間内に学習している集団、韓国語モノリンガル集団、この三つのグループが存在する。一方、二 世は、韓国生まれ韓国育ちが多く、幼少期から周囲の人が話すのを聞いて自然に韓国語を習い覚えた人 が多い。  (3)二世より一世の方が、来日や韓国内の人的交流によって日本·日本人に接触する機会が多い。  (4)一世の日本語能力とメディア利用との間には有意な相関が認められなかったが、一世の韓国語能力、二世 の日本語能力、二世の韓国語能力は、一部のメディア利用との間に有意な相関が認められた。 このような研究成果は、在韓日本人の二言語併用の全体像を把握する上で有用な情報として提示できると 思われる。

This study tries to examine, from a bilingual point of view, the characteristics of the bilingual acquisition and bilingual contact situations of Japanese residents in Korea. The results are as follows: (1) The first-generation Japanese residents in Korea learned Japanese naturally from their early childhood. Many of them came over to Korea after receiving education in Japan for many years. So they usually possess a high level of Japanese language ability. Because they started living in Korea for reasons such as marriage, studying, and business, they have strong motivations to learn the Korean language. However, their Korean language learning did not last long, and as their stay in Korea became longer, they became accustomed to everyday Korean language and finally reached the current Korean language ability. (2) As for the second-generation Japanese residents in Korea, their Japanese proficiency is not homogeneous. They consist of a few groups; the group of people who learned Japanese as the first language, the group of people who studied Japanese within a short period of time at a public educational institution or through a private lesson, and the Korean monolingual group. Meanwhile, as the second-generation Japanese residents in Korea were born and raised in Korea, they learned the Korean language naturally while listening to people speak in Korean from their childhood. (3) There are more opportunities for the first generation to be exposed to Japan and the Japanese language than the second generation. (4) There is a difference in the bilingual abilities of the first generation and the second generation, and the difference is closely related to the differences in contact situations of the two languages. The results can serve as indispensable data for understanding the community of the Japanese residents in Korea and bilingual education.