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This study investigates the phonetic and semantic analysis relation between the variant of ancient Chinese words and the Sino-Joseon Korean words. This study selects the representative examples which reflect relation the phonetic and semantic analysis relation between the variant of ancient Chinese words and the Sino-Joseon Korean words were stereotyped and quantified. As a result of analyzing through this process, there were regular usage and irregular use of the relationship between the variant of ancient Chinese words and the Sino-Joseon Korean. In the case of the former, it can be divided into two types depending on whether the variant of Sino-Joseon Korean is related to the variant of ancient Chinese words or not. It can be seen in all three types. The first type is the type in which “the phonetic and semantic analysis relation of Acient Chinese consonant changing words correspond to variants of Sino-Joseon Korean words which were recorded in various documents in Joseon period”, and the applicable examples are “降” character and “壞” character. The second type is a type in which “the phonetic and semantic analysis relation of Acient Chinese tone changing words and phrases correspond to variants of Sino-Joseon Korean words which were recorded in various documents in Joseon period”, and the corresponding examples are “共”, “斷”, “巧”, “當”. The third type is the type in which the phonetic and semantic analysis relation of acient Chinese tone change words correspond to variants of Sino-Joseon Korean words which were recorded in various documents in Joseon periodnegative relation between the reader and the sound dynamics of the ancient Chinese is irregular, and the applicable examples are “究” and “蹶”.