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국적취득조건부 선체용선은 선체용선의 일종이지만 임대차가 종료되는 시점에서 소유권을 취득하는 용선계약이다. 우리 상법은 국취부선체용선도 선체용선의 규정을 준용한다고 정하고 있다. 국취부선체용선을 사선으로 보는 관행이 우리나라에 있지만, 법률의 규정에 의하여 사선으로 보지않는 한은 국취부선체용선은 여전히 선박소유자가 소유하고 용선자는 기대권을 가질 뿐이다. 선원법, 국제선박등록법, 도선법, 선박안전법등과 같이 동 선박에 한국법을 적용하여 한국선주와 동일시하는 규정이 있는 경우에만 동 선박은 한국선박으로 간주된다. 이와 같이 채무자회생법에서 강제집행이 금지되는 채무자의 “재산”에 동 선박은 포함되지 않는다는 창원지법 항고심의 판결이 나왔다. 제58조를 개정할 필요성이 있다.

BBCHP contract is a kind of BBC contract. However, it is different from the BBC contract in that the charterer obtains the title of the vessel at the end of the charter period. The Korean Commercial Code states that the BBC provisions are applicable for the BBCHP case. There are practices in Korea that a BBCHP vessel is regarded as a owned vessel of the charterer. However, without the special provisions which regards it as the owned vessel of the charterer, the vessel is the owned vessel of the shipowner. Seamen’s Act, International ship registration Act, Pilot Act and Ship Safety Act are those Acts which regard the BBCHP vessel as the owned vessel of the Korean charterer and thus each Act is applicable for the BBCHP. In a recent Hanjin Shipping case, the BBCHP vessel was not regarded as the owned vessel of Hanjin Shipping. The Author agrees with the judgment because there is no special provision which treats the BBCHP differently. However, there is strong need to regard the BBCHP vessel as the property not to be executed by the creditors. The author suggests that Art. 58 of Rehabilitation Act should be revised as suggested.