초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to find out the main features of pragmatic functions that the auxiliary particle ‘-do’ performs in proverbs by investigating the ways of its use in proverbs, and to discuss about ways to utilize them in the grammar education. Proverbs perform pragmatic functions in communication situations. That is, when a proverb is used in a discourse, it comes to have a conceptualized meaning with the addition of α produced by the figure of speech. At this time, the auxiliary particle ‘-do’ will also perform a certain pragmatic function in the creation of a meaning conceptualized by the proverb. The auxiliary particle ‘-do’ has the semantic functions of ‘identity,’ ‘extreme,’ ‘emphasis’ or ‘concession and permission.’ When it is used in a proverb, however, it shows the pragmatic functions of ‘strengthening the speaker’s negative attitude’ and ‘expressing the speaker's expectation.’ Discussions about the ways to utilize proverbs in the Korean language education have mostly focused on the use of the Korean language. But it is also worth paying attention to grammatical elements that are involved in interpreting the context or the intention of a speaker who selects and includes a proverb in the contents of an utterance. Therefore, this paper discussed about how to actualize this in the grammar education.