초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Picture book, a kind of artistic form which uses pictures and words to tell a story, it has exquisite pictures, concise statements, interesting stories, simple but profound themes and a tone could convey positive energy. It not only makes children engender resonance and a deep sense of identity but also improves children’s language abilities, mode of emotion and enhance their understanding of life and relationship. As a starting point of reading for the children, the picture book is the “first book” in their lives. Meanwhile, it provides a kind of “comprehensible input” corpus to foreign language learners. This article through picture book educational practices of Chinese children reading, analyzed the effect of picture books instruction and certificated this effect. Picture books have a great potential, Chinese teaching should pay attention to picture books instruction to make learners change “reading” to “enjoy reading”, stimulating their interest in learning Chinese and love Chinese.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Picture book, Reading, Enjoy Reading, Comprehensible input, Low anxiety