초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This research aims to investigate the patterns when Korean ‘noh-ta(놓다)’ and ‘tuda(두다)’ are mapped with Chinese. To do this, we grouped the two auxiliary verbs with main verbs to discover their aspectual meaning and further analyse its semantic singularities. When matching ‘noh-ta/tuda’ to Chinese, our top consideration is the context or the meaning of ‘noh-ta/tuda’, which can be divided into the ‘maintenance of a result status’ and the ‘completion of an action’ and ‘preparation for the future’. One needs to consider which of these three functions ‘noh-ta/tuda’ is focusing on within the sentence. For instance, if the focus is on the ‘maintenance of a result status’, then its Chinese translation will use ‘V在’, ‘V 上’, ‘V着’, etc. If the focus is on the ‘completion of an action’, then it tends to correspond to the resultative complement ‘好’. Lastly, if the focus is on the ‘preparation for the future’, then more often than not the meaning is indirectly shown by the full context rather than a certain corresponding term. In addition, the ways that ‘noh-ta’ and ‘tuda’ are mapped to Chinese will vary depending on their grammaticalization stage.