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항인지질항체증후군은 국내에서 비교적 드문 질환이나 젊은 여성에서 반복적인 유산병력이 있는 경우 임상적으로 의심하고 조기 진단하여야 한다. 저자들은 뇌혈관 혈전 없이 일차성 항인지질항체증후군에 동반한 벨마비를 진단하였고 성공적으로 치료하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 증례 보고하는 바이다.

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies with vascular thrombosis or increasing pregnancy-related morbidity. The risk of thrombotic events, including cerebral arterial thrombosis, is increased in patients who test positive for lupus anticoagulants. The presentation of neurologic symptoms without a cerebral thromboembolic event is rarely reported in APS. Here, we report a case of primary APS presenting as Bell palsy without cerebral arterial thrombosis. After administration of an anti-viral agent and high-dose steroid therapy, the patient successfully recovered without neurologic complications.