초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This paper investigates the Korean causative constructions divided into the short-form and long-form causatives and predicts the change in the usage of these two causatives. The two types of causative constructions are examined from the medieval Korean to the modern Korean diachronically. We point out the decrease of the use of the short-form causatives, and the expansion of the use of the long-form causatives conversely. Based on this phenomenon, it is predicted that the frequency of use of causative constructions is gradually shifting from the short-form causatives to the long-form causatives. We prove the prediction on the phenomenon through analyzing the survey questionnaires. Statistical program SPSS 23.0. is used in analyzing the questionaries.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Korean causative construction, short-form causatives, long-form causatives, quantitative study, SPSS 23.0