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성립 초기 정동행성은 몽골의 대내외 정벌활동에 대한 군사지원을 주된 임무로 삼았다. 쿠빌라이 사망을 계기로 몽골의 군사활동이 종료됨으로써 비로소 행성의 군사지원 책무가 면제되었다. 정동행성은 고려국왕이 승상을 겸직하면서 스스로 속관을 선발하고 행성을 운영하는 특수성이 보장되었다. 따라서 고려 내정에 간여하지 못하고 대몽외교, 일본방어와 같은 제한적 역할만 수행했다. 이후 기씨일가가 득세하여 정동행성에 대한 지휘권을 장악했다. 그 결과 행성의 기능・권한이 대폭 강화되어 온갖 불법・월권을 자행하고 고려 내정에 간섭했다. 이는 공민왕이 기씨일가를 척결하고 행성의 지휘권을 회복함으로써 종식되었다. 정동행성의 기능・권한이 대부분 소멸되었지만 대몽외교 역할은 그대로 유지되었다. 고려가 명의 공세에 맞서 몽골과 연계할 필요가 있었기 때문이다. 그러나 몽골이 패망하고, 고려에서 親明反蒙 세력이 집권함으로써 정동행성은 결국 폐지되었다. 이와 같이 정동행성은 한 세기에 걸쳐 군사지원, 대몽외교, 일본방어 역할만을 담당하면서 여타 기능・권한이 제한된 특수성을 유지했다.

Cheng-tung Hsing-sheng at the early stage of foundation made it its main mission to give military aid to Mongol's domestic and overseas conquests. When Mongol finished its military activities with Khubilai's death, the Hsing-sheng at last became exempted from the duty of military aid. The Hsing-sheng's specificity of selecting its own subordinate officials and operating it was secured because the King of Goryeo concurrently held a prime minister. Accordingly, it couldn't engage in domestic affairs of Goryeo, and only played limited roles, such as diplomacy with Mongol and defense against Japan. Later, Empress Gi's whole family gained power and dominated the right to command it. As the result, its functions and authority were reinforced drastically, committed illegal acts, exceeded authority, and interfered with the internal affairs of Goryeo. It was put to an end when King Gongmin dispelled Empress Gi's family and recovered the right to command the Hsing-sheng. Almost all the functions and authority of it had disappeared, but its role of diplomacy with Mongol was maintained as before because Goryeo needed to have a liaison with Mongol against Ming's attack. However, as Mongol collapsed and the force in Goryeo that was in favor of Ming and against Mongol seized power, it was abolished eventually. In this way, Cheng-tung Hsing-sheng maintained its distinct characteristics of playing only the roles of military aid, diplomacy with Mongol and defense against Japan and being restricted other functions and power over one century.