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The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamics of the “Godgame” in John Fowles's The Magus. Nicholas Urfe, the protagonist of the novel, experienced an overwhelming adventure as an English instructor during his stay in Phraxos, Greece. Conchis, a mysterious millionaire, a magus and also a controling god, sage and vaudeville show-manager, set the Godgame and presented it to Nicholas. Conchis's Godgame was activated by and revolved around the two axes of “fantasy”and “pornography.” Nicholas, as a representative of young intellectuals of his time, is a pseudo-existentialist and amoral womanizer, who has evaded all the responsibility for life as well as for love. During his adventure, he was attracted to the fantasy world, to the fictional beauty of the female seducer; he was controled by his pornographic instinct and sexual desire; and, finally, he came back to the starting point with a realization of the importance of reality and the seriousness of everyday life.