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Teaching listening skills including listening strategies has attracted a large number of researchers in the last decades. Recently, using portfolios in teaching a language has been implemented as a new attempt. The current study has explored how the combination of teaching listening strategies and portfolio engagement affected college students’ listening strategy use and listening comprehension along with their perception on such a new method to learn listening skills. A total number of 54 college students participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected: students’ listening strategy questionnaires, listening comprehension tests, and reflection on both portfolios and listening strategy use. Based on the analysis using SPSS t-tests and QSR NVivo 10, the results indicate that their listening comprehension as well as their listening strategy use enhanced numerically after the instruction. Particularly, students’ metacognitive strategy use increased most. Most of the participants appeared to be satisfied with portfolio-combined listening strategy instruction employed in this study. Pedagogical implications and suggestions are also discussed.