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자연을 유람하며 그 속에서 정경이나 꽃, 은일의 감정 등을 노래한 시가 26수로 가장 많으며 현실이나 시국에 대한 소회를 밝힌 시와 교유시가 그 다음을 차지하고 있다. 劉言史가 경물시, 영회시, 교유시 등의 세 방면의 창작에 주력했음을 살필 수 있는데, 이 중 ‘자연’과 연계된 시가는 가장 많은 숫자를 점하고 있으므로 劉言史 시가의 면모를 구명하는데 이 주제는 가장 중요한 것이라 할 수 있다. 현실에 대한 의식을 펼친 시가와 함께 자연을 노래한 작품이 많았다는 점은 그가 현실에서의 한계로 인해 자연을 찾을 수밖에 없었음을 짐작하게 하는 부분이다. 큰 틀에서 볼 때 劉言史는 韋應物, 柳宗元을 대표로 한 中唐 자연시의 성취에 일조하고 있는 시인이라 할 수 있으며, 그의 자연시가를 살펴보는 것은 中唐 자연시풍의 일면을 구명해 볼 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 劉言史의 시가는 全唐詩 卷468에 총 69제 79수가 실려 있다. 본 논문은 劉言史에 대한 기존의 연구를 확대하여 그의 여러 시가 중 자연 미학이나 자연추구의식을 표현한 작품들을 집중적으로 살펴보고자 한다. 劉言史가 자연을 묘사한 부분을 고찰하는 작업은 韋應物과 柳宗元을 정점으로 한 中唐代 자연시가 元白詩派와 韓孟詩派로 내려오는 과정 중에 존재했던 일개 시인의 창작이 어떠한 특색을 지향하고 있었는지를 유추해본다는 점에서 의의가 있을 것으로 생각된다.

This article was written to study on the aspects of the Liu-Yanshi(劉言史, 742?-812)'s landscape poetry. Liu-Yanshi was one of important poets in mid-Tang dynasty. During the mid-Tang dynasty, the aesthetic themes tradition of landscape poetry were innovated by Meng-Jiao(孟郊), Jia-Dao(賈島), Yao-He(姚合) and their epigone. The feature of Liu-Yanshi's Landscape poetry was partially influenced by the landscape poetry of Hanmengshipai(韓孟詩派) in mid-Tang Dynasty, but the aspects of the Liu-Yanshi's Landscape poetry was developed some different direction. We can say Liu-Yanshi is the meson of landscape poetry between Meng-Jiao(孟郊) and Li-He(李賀) in mid-Tang dynasty, but, in the other hand, it associated with characteristic approaches in writing poem about nature scenery and which represented one of the style of mid-Tang Dynasty. I can be summarized the distinct characteristic of his poem as that : The first, In Liu-Yanshi's poems, he had concentrated his emotion by writing various nature scenery that contained bitter experience of hi life. Most of poets of mid-Tang dynasty experienced suffering life which comes from political environment, and Liu-Yanshi's government process was not very successful, so his landscape poetry was also a part of the expression of his life, and the experience of demotion can be offered his landscape poetry have more susceptive and bitter emotion. The second, In Liu-Yanshi's poems, we can also find that his landscape poetry have subjective style, and much of his landscape poetry has a way of expressing himself that is all his own through the process of his own experience and extreme training by writing poem. So we can say that the aspect of his landscape poetry's unique style contains much of his effort. The third, Liu-Yansh basically seek after the rest of mind, and longed retirement in nature. Actually he did not put in practice retirement in nature, but the expression of longing retirement was important subject of his poem.