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This article investigates the relationship between the morning light(rxv) and divine justice revealed in Job 38:12-15. The rxv in our text follows the tradition of the judgment of the wicked from the Ancient Near Eastern sun epiphany but rejects any mythological undertone. Instead of a mythic origin, rxv is depicted as a divine agent in the world to dispel evil, which is in contrast to other texts in the Hebrew tradition. The liminal location of rxv signifies no simple doctrine of theodicy since the rxv is called to chase out the wicked every morning from distant horizons. While the existence of the morning light is ambiguous, its act of building justice is certain because the order of creation promises the coming of rxv everyday. Job 38:12-15 delivers the message of the freedom and the steadfast love of God. The speeches of Yahweh in the Book of Job evoke sublime experiences in which the human is overwhelmed but elevated finally to a great understanding of God and him or herself. The place of rxv does contribute to the sublime experience since it sarcastically reveals Job’s identity as the one who assumes divine authority over the cosmic order.