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The purpose of the study was to the Cognitive Interpretation of “the “White” System Words in Shuo Wen Jie Zi” Terms. The results revealed Based on Conceptual Blending Theory, the paper concluded: “the “White” System Words in Shuo Wen Jie Zi” Terms, is looking for more this word, and then by metaphor, metonymy activate the synthesis of new cognitive meaning empty, meaning the formation of a new color. Such a series of “hidden word refers specifically to look for” a lot of the later “refers to identifying the dominant word” generation preparations were made on semantics (a) Colors and nominal objects usually have a fusion form in ancient times and a batch of phraseologies take place in mediaeval times consisting of color terms plus original word with color acceptation having spillage over the original word due to the latter’s wearing away and expansion for accurate expression or because of word shapes, rhetoric and perceptions. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on Chinese color terms system and culture of Chinese.