초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study groups how to consist units of <Language and Media>. The main concern is how to make closer to the purpose of the integrated subjects. This study suggests the way by analyzing textbooks which are similar to curriculum. First, analyzed method of organizing contents system of ‘Speaking and WritingⅠㆍⅡ’, ‘Reading and GrammarⅠㆍⅡ’, ‘Speaking and Writing’, ‘Reading and Grammar’ and ‘Language and Media’ which are integrated subjects of Korean education curriculum. By analyzing, the method of organizing contents system is divided into ‘Stand-alone method’, ‘Integrated method’. ‘Integrated method’ is divided into ‘Part-integrated method’ and ‘Whole-integrated method’. Next, categorizing the method of organizing units in textbooks into 6 by analyzing <Reading and GrammarⅠㆍⅡ> and <Reading and Grammar> which are similar to <Language and Media>. The method of organizing units is divided into ‘Stand-alone method’ and ‘Integrated method’. ‘Integrated method’ is divided into ‘Part-integrated method’ and ‘Whole-integrated method’. ‘Part-integrated method’ is divided into ‘Front-part-integrated method’, ‘Middle-part-integrated method’, ‘Last-part-integrated method’ and ‘The-front-and-back-integrated method’.