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본 연구는 도시환경이 지역주민 암 사망자에 미치는 영향을 지리적 가중회귀모형을 이용해 공간적 범위는 서울시 25개구로 시간적 범위는 2014년으로 하여 분석하였다. 분석결과, 도로연장이 1% 증가하는 경우 암 사망자수는 0.218%, 시가화면적이 1% 증가하는 경우 암 사망자수는 0.429% 증가하였으며 지방세 징수액이 1% 증가하면 암 사망자수는 0.228% 감소하며 기초생활수급자 수가 1% 증가하면 암 사망자수는 0.396% 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. OLS모형과 GWR모형을 비교하면 R2, 수정된 R2, F값에서 모두 GWR모형이 OLS모형보다 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 지방정부는 도시화가 될수록 암 사망자수가 늘어나며 지역경제가 활성화 될수록 암 사망자수는 줄어드는 것도 확인한 바, 암 사망수를 줄이고 건강도시를 구현하기 위한 다양한 노력과 함께 지역경제 활성화를 위한 다양한 정책을 수립 집행해야 한다

The following study utilized geographically weighted regression to look into the influence of urban environment to local residents' death by cancer. 25 boroughs of Seoul in terms of spatial extent and the year 2014 in terms of the time scope were selected for analysis. Regional deaths by cancer were selected as the dependent variable. The results of the study show that, extending the streets by 1% result in an increase of 0.218% in death by cancer, and increasing the urban area by 1% lead to an increase of 0.429% in death by cancer. Alternatively, an increase in 1% for local taxes lead to a decrease in 0.228% in death by cancer. However, an increase in 1% for the number of beneficiaries of national basic living standards lead to an increase of 0.396% in death by cancer. When comparing the OLS regression to the GWR regression, the F-value for both R2, and adjusted R2 for GWR regression was much superior to the OLS regression. The study verifies the relationship that an increase in urbanization increases deaths by cancer but an increase in the local economy decrease deaths by cancer. Consequently, there is a need for the local governments to reduce deaths by cancer and realize a healthy city by showing efforts. At the same time, there is a need for policy initiatives to invigorate the regional economy.