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The Act on the Control of Narcotics, Etc. classifies marijuana as an illegal drug, strictly prohibiting manufacturing, importing and exporting, trading, assisting in trade of, giving or receiving, carrying, possessing, or using cannabis. Marijuana has been managed as illegal drugs in international society as well. However, such severe punishment policy globally faces changes. From January 2014, Colorado in the U.S. allowed purchase of marijuana for purpose of smoking, and states decriminalizing marijuana continue to tend to increase. In addition to the U.S., Australia, Holland, U.K., Canada, etc. decriminalized marijuana or prepare places for active discussion on decriminalization of it. In the midst of this global trend, this paper attempted to review the discussion of decriminalization of the use of marijuana which is still strictly forbidden. Given that the world has been showing gradually changed attitude toward marijuana since intensified debate on the decriminalization of marijuana in Korea about a decade ago, this study examined the decision of the Korean Constitutional Court on how marijuana was illegalized. In addition, the legal theory concerning the justification of marijuana regulation was analyzed in this study. As a result, it was concluded that the rulings of the Korean Constitutional Court lack persuasion and reasoning to be still maintained today. It was also found that maleficence of marijuana, gateway effect, relationship with violent crimes, and issues comparing to cigarette and alcohol all of which were presented as the grounds for the regulation of marijuana in the Korean Constitutional Court were difficult to be admitted any more. In addition, when examining the regulation of marijuana in right of the self-determination, the principle of prohibition of excessive and the princple of equality, the legitimacy of the regulation of marijuana is sorely shaken, and cannot be maintained any more. The need to debate on the decriminalization of marijuana again, therefore, seems to be sufficient now.