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漢代 이후 근세기까지 수많은 왕조를 거치는 오랜 세월동안 ‘宗廟는 임금의 祠堂이다’라는 관념이 고착화되었다. 본고에서는 『論語』ㆍ『孟子』ㆍ『荀子』ㆍ『禮記』 등의 종묘 관련 기록들을 통해 ‘宗廟는 원래 임금의 正殿이었다.’라는 논의를 전개하였다. 동시에 漢代 이후 겪었던 종묘의 기능적 변화로 인해, 이후의 중국과 우리나라의 유학자들이 고전에 수록된 그것의 본의 및 그 상징성과 乖隔된 해석을 하게 되었음을 논하였다. 先秦時期의 종묘는 爵位와 領土를 상속받은 통치자의 廟로서, 군주가 거처하면서 각종 儀禮를 진행하고 政令을 펼치던 곳이었다. 즉 그것은 天子와 諸侯 더 나아가 封地를 소유한 大夫 등의 治朝 공간인 正殿과 같은 역할을 하였다. 초대 군주로부터 작위와 영토를 상속받아 온 여러 세대의 天子 및 諸侯와 大夫들은 族의 종통으로서 ‘位’에 오른 자이기 때문에 자신들의 廟에서 선군에 대한 제사 의례를 이행하였고, 그에 따라 그들의 正殿인 廟에 ‘宗統이 되는 자의 廟’라는 의미의 ‘宗廟’라는 명칭이 형성되었다. 아울러 그러한 當代 君主의 宗廟나 初祖의 太廟가 아닌 특정한 廟는 廟主의 이름을 붙여서 일컬었다.

For a long time while it going through many dynasties from Han(漢) dynasty to the last century, the idea that ‘the Jongmyo Shrine(宗廟) is a king's shrine’ had been fixed. In this paper, the argument that ‘the Jongmyo Shrine had been originally a king's ruling place’ was developed through the records related to the Jongmyo Shrines in 『the Analects of Confucius(論語)』, 『Mencius(孟子)』, 『Xunzi(荀子)』, 『Book of Rites(禮記)』 and others. And at the same time, it was explained that the later confucian scholars from China and Korea have incorrectly interpreted the meanings and symbolism of it that contained in the classic, because of the functional changes of Jongmyo Shrines experienced since the Han Dynasty. Jongmyo Shrines in the pre-Qin Dynasty era(先秦時代) were the Myo(廟, a house of the upper class) building of a ruler who had inherited a title of nobility and territory, and the place where a king resided, preformed a diversity of rituals and issued political orders. In other words, it played the same role as a ruling place where a king, feudal lords and furthermore, noblemen owning bestowed land governed and have an audience. A number of generations of kings, feudal lords and noblemen who had been inherited noble titles and land from the first king were those who were raised to their 'position' as the leader of their nation, so they performed ancestral rituals for their late king in their Myo(廟) buildings. Accordingly, the Myo(廟) building as their ruling place came to have the name of 'an Jongmyo Shrine(宗廟)', which means 'the Myo(廟) for the one, who is a leader of his nation.' In addition, the specific Myo(廟) rather than such an Jongmyo Shrine of that age ruler and Taemyo Shrine(太廟) of the first ruler was called by appending the name of the person who was the owner of the Myo.