초록 열기/닫기 버튼
It is crucial to investigate factors affecting mainland Chinese tourists’ shopping satisfaction, considering their great contribution to tourism shopping income in South Korea. Based on previous studies, shopping satisfaction is determined by utilitarian value and hedonic value and each of the value has a formative second-order construct values. Additionally, according to some former studies, factors affecting shopping satisfaction are different depending on gender. Thus, the objective of this study is to examine the gender difference in the context of effects of shopping values on shopping satisfaction of mainland Chinese tourists who have a shopping experience in Seoul, South Korea. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed at popular tourism shopping sites in Seoul, South Korea. The results of this study show that the sources of shopping satisfaction of female mainland Chinese tourists are values of product offerings, product information, convenience, adventure, gratification, and socialization; those of male are values of product offerings, gratification, and socialization. This study is expected to contribute to the current tourism shopping literature and provide valuable information to retailers in South Korea.