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This study aims at examining how two poets, Byron and Pound, who are alienated from their families and society, alleviate and overcome their own physical and spiritual distress and crisis through observing nature and perceiving its vitality. That is, this paper attempts to clarify what nature looks like and means to both poets in their distress. Their previous Pilgrimages and Cantos didn’t make significant descriptions of nature and landscape because they? didn’t attract their direct attention. Yet, when they confront their spiritual crisis, they orient toward nature and its vitality. Lord Byron is ostracized from London society as he has a separation scandal with his wife. He attempts to refresh and restore himself through the beauty of natural scenery and humanized nature. Ezra Pound is detained and charged with treason by the US government. He focuses on small living things and tries to restore himself through perceiving the vitality of small living things. Therefore, Byron’s and Pound’s cantos of nature and living things is related with the dynamics of their existential situations and they eventually restore themselves through nature and its vitality